Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ethical Codes Of A Public Administration - 985 Words

In chapter 6 of Ethics Primer Svara gives his opinons on why ethical codes are extremely valuable in public administration, as well as the purpose of them and how they are enforced. â€Å"The codes of association convey the values, standards, and behaviors that contribute to advancing the public interest, achieving their goals, and being true to their calling†.(87) Svara is trying to bring to our attention that these codes for the most part keep our public administrators and government officials in line. Later on in the chapter Svara brought up the creation and the purpose of these codes. Here he showed us the arguments for and against having a code of ethics. One one end it said that ethics is based on personal views and decisions while on the other side having rules in place keeps people in line. A code of ethics that was put together known as the ICMA codes gives a general idea of how people should conduct themselves. Finally we come across how these codes are enforced or s hould I say lack there of. According to svara the problem with enforcing ethical codes is its not possible due to the fact that ethics are on a person to person basis. Unless you do something that greatly affects the people you represent or do something thats illegal its quite hard to enforce these codes. There are a couple organizations that take complaints such as the ICMA or the AICP however since there isn t laws for these ethical codes it again makes it extremely hard to enforce. In chapter 5 ofShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of The Public Administration System Essay814 Words   |  4 Pagesin duty. The nature, meaning and scopes of ethics have overgrown in the course of time. Ethics is thickened to public administration. In public administration, ethics concentrates on how the public administrator should question and reflect in order to be able to act responsibly. 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